Parampoojya Shri Prabhakar Sardeshmukh Maharaj

Parampoojya Shri Prabhakar Sardeshmukh Maharaj founded Bharatiya Sanskriti Darshan trust at Wagholi, Pune in 1954 by the blessings of his Sadguru Shri Mali Maharaj with a meticulous motto of rejuvenating the ancient Indian sciences and traditions with a rational and scientific approach. He donated 63 acres of land to the Trust for the study, practice and propagation of ancient Indian wisdom. He believed in social reform that can be achieved by
younger generation and wanted to link that glorious past of ancient India to the future generations.

He was born on 25 th  November1920 at Tadval (Solapur) in a well acclaimed family with a tradition of Ayurveda and spirituality for several generations. Maharaj, from his early childhood years was inclined towards learning and was guided by his parents. He was the youngest of all the siblings and it was foresaid by a yogi before his birth that the child to be born would be a blessed one possessing divine qualities.

Maharaj, being born in a family of royal physicians and tradition, was well versed in the ancient science of Ayurveda and it’s different branches like Nidan (Diagnosis) with special reference to the Nadi pariksha (Pulse examination), Rasa Shastra (Medicine preparation), Dravya guna (Different herbs & minerals), Jyotish Vidya (Astrology) etc. After completing his basic education, Maharaj came to Pune where he met his Sadguru, Rev. Marutinath Mali Maharaj in the year 1943. To be near to his Guru, Maharaj was then residing in Somwar Peth area. It was in Pune that Maharaj also met his better half, Sou. Indirabai, who stood by and accompanied Maharaj in his works and left for her heavenly abode in a short but very meaningful and memorable period.

Maharaj had a great vision by the guidance of his Sadguru which was not only limited to a nation but the whole of the universe. Maharaj attained Mahasamadhi on 29th August 1996 at an age of 76 years and his Samadhi is next to the ‘Gurusthan’ in the serene premises of the Trust.

Dr Sadanand Prabhakar Sardeshmukh

Chairman, Bharatiya Sanskriti Darshan Trust, Wagholi

The legacy of Rev. Parampoojya Shri Prabhakar Sardeshmukh Maharaj was carried forward by his son, Dr Sadanand Prabhakar Sardeshmukh. He was born in 28 th September 1946. From the age of seven years he was taught the lessons of Nadi Pariksha i.e. Pulse examination by his father and Guru Rev.Shri Sardeshmukh Maharaj. He has the honour of being the first PhD in Ayurved from the state of Maharashtra.

He established Ayurved Hospital and Research center, Panchakarma Hospital and Research Center, Cancer Research Project, AIDS Research Project, Delayed bone healing Project and many research projects on incurable disease from 1994 under the name of Bharatiya Sanskriti Darshan Trust, Wagholi. He started Ayurved collage for graduation, Post graduation, post doctoral studies and had teaching experience of more than 40 years.

He also started Atharva Ayurved Pharmaceuticals to manufacture quality Ayurved medicines to patients. His work has been accorded all over India. He has received more than 30 prestigious awards including the National Dhanwantari Award in 2017 by Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India.